NexussPlus: Your human agents for Life! For travel, research, consulting, actions at a distance, real estate . . . For individuals, families, businesses and governments . . .

NexussPlus AI R & D: Next-gen AGI ideas that are incremental, cumulative, and computational! AIs for org decision-making, climate change, communities, and direct democracy. Learn more!

The arc of human communications and what lies ahead for the global upper middle class

Human messengers (8000 BC) >>> Horse messengers (2000 BC) >>> Pigeons (500 BC) >>> Stagecoach messengers (14th century) >>> Gutenberg’s printing press startup launches (1444) >>> Telegraph (1840s) >>> The post | snail mail (1850s) >>> Telephone (1880s) >>> Telegram & ticket tapes (1890s) >>> AMEX worldwide travel and service offices (1950s) >>> FEDEX (1970s) >>> LexisNexis (late 1970s; information gateways like libraries and librarians are bypassed by new data organizations and approaches) >>> Blackberry direct messaging and email (1995; peaked at 80 million subscribers in 2012) >>> iPhone (2007; has over 1.5 billion users in 2023; 18X Blackberry peak) >>> . . .

NexussPlus: A new global communications network that provides expert access for all subscribers to all international, national and local information & services. And NxP subscribers can interact with anyone on the planet through our global network of Local Service Experts. After paying the annual subscription fee, NxP clients can get anything and everything done at 100% retail prices: travel, research, consulting, real estate, actions at a distance.
No AI Chatbots: subscribers can text (any channel), email or call (audio or video) our team. HI to HI is always better than HI to AI. The choices are all yours! No ads, no rake, no affiliates.

Subscription account types: individual (premium), family (standard), biz or gov executives (premium), and biz and gov gateway accounts (priced by size of org; a special account that is gatewayed at the business or government agency for all non-executive employees).


NxP has one founder, Ian Martin Ropke, and is looking for a bilingual female co-founder in NYC (headquarters). For a copy of NxP’s pitch deck, just ask! I also have a 150-page training and testing manual ready for onboarding team members.

Business model

Annual subscriptions (USD 1,080 | US 1,620) + network usage fees (@ retail prices) + new NxP products and services (including next-gen AIs). Premium subscribers get access to anonymity protocols and advantageous payment options. No ads, no rake, no affiliates.

SOM | Ask | Exit

NxP’s SOM is USD 200 billion | Ask is USD 3.6-4.5 million, seed | Exit is early IPO or early acquisition by Apple Inc. or Microsoft Inc.